Veterinary parasitology /

Taylor, M. A.

Veterinary parasitology / M.A. Taylor, R.L. Coop, R.L. Wall. - 4th edition. - p. ; cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Veterinary helminthology -- Veterinary protozoology -- Veterinary entomology -- The laboratory diagnosis of parasitism -- Antiparasitics -- The epidemiology of parasitic diseases -- Host resistance to parasitic diseases -- Parasites of cattle -- Parasites of sheep and goats -- Parasites of horses -- Parasites of pigs -- Parasites of dogs and cats -- Parasites of poultry and gamebirds -- Parasites of ungulates -- Parasites of laboratory animals -- Parasites of exotics -- Facultative ectoparasites and arthropod vectors.

9780470671627 (cloth)


Veterinary parasitology.
Animals, Domestic--parasitology.
Parasitic Diseases, Animal.

SF810.A3 / V425 2015


SF 810.A3
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