
E-Books: 73 titles e-books purchased by university in 2022. Patrons can access the following e-books procured by the library. Please check the following link to explore the e-books.

1. E-Books of Taylor & Francis / CRC Press

2. E-Books of NIPA

ONOS: The Prime Minister of India in his address to the Nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on 15th August, 2022, had pointed out the importance of Research and Development in our country in the Amrit Kaal. He had given the clarion call of “Jai Anusandhan” on the occasion. The National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) has also identified research as a corequisite for outstanding education and development in our country.In response to the vision of making India Atmanirbhar and Viksitbharat@2047, the Government of India approved One Nation One Subscription scheme to provide country-wide access to international high impact scholarly research articles and journal publications to students, faculty and researchers of all Higher Education Institutions managed by the central government and state governments and Research & Development Institutions
of the central government.

1. One Nation One Subscription (ONOS)

CeRA:Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (popularly known as CeRA) is an e-Consortium of Agricultural Libraries under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) Libraries. The CeRA has below-mentioned Databases:

1. ScienceDirect
2. J-Gate
3. Taylor & Francis
4. IndiaagriStat
5. Wiley
6. Oxford University Press

Open Access Resources:

1. Directory of Open Access Book (DOAB)
2. Directory of Open Access Journals
3. e-Gyankosh
4. National Digital Library of India
5. National Virtual Library

Research Support:

1. ShodhGangotri (INFLIBNET -India)
2. Shodhganga : A reservoir of Indian Theses
3. Shodh Shuddhi (PDS) : Plagiarism Detection Software
6. Reference Tools
7. Krishikosh
9. Grammarly

@UP Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura Pin: 281001 (UP) INDIA

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